Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Watching Lava Flow

     We have been continuing our research on volcanoes and have come across, what has become one of the student's favorite videos.  I have to admit, watching lava flowing is extremely interesting.  The second video is of lava flowing onto ice.  These videos, as interesting as they are, make it difficult to stay on task in answering the big question:  How do volcanoes change the land and what effect do they have on humans?  

  We did find out an interesting fact today about volcanoes!  Did you know that there are volcanic eruptions on Mars?  We had no idea.  That brings us to another question...how do they know that?

Lava vs Can of Coke!

Lava flows onto ice
Hey...we know that that is how obsidian is made!

Have you ever seen a volcano eruption or a lava flow?
Please share with us!

1 comment:

  1. Hi 4th grade.. it's Mrs. Norman. I saw a lava flow into the ocean when I was on a cruise in Hawaii. Since it was dark, it looked like red runway lights at an airport... sooo cool!!! I have some cool pictures of lava from my trip in my office.. if you are still interested, I would love to share them.
