Friday, January 9, 2015

Student Blogs

Any day now our student blogs will be published for the first time!  We are all very excited about publishing our first blog posts.  Some of the students even have more than one post ready for publication.  We are waiting for everyone to be done writing before we hit "publish".  This way, no one is the first nor the last to publish.  I encourage anyone and everyone to read and comment on the blogs once they are published.  We are very excited to see how far our "voice" can be heard!


  1. I am really looking forward to reading all of your blogs!

  2. I am very happy to see the work that I and my team has done for the school being put to great use. All the Blogs are well written. Even though my son is not there this year I know he would be very proud of his friends and former classmates. I cant wait to continue reading and having the pleasure of showing Jason the work that his friends are doing. I know he misses them. I will always be within ear shot if there are any issues. Let me know so I or my team can take care of it.
    Jason B Bennett - Technology Lead and Emanuel Member.
